Denizens of the Planes

There are many beings who dwell in the planes, and a wise cutter will learn the dark about as many as she can. Some are wise, some are leatherheads, some are generous, and others just want to eat you.


Aasimon are a type of Celestial who dwell in the Upper Planes, particularly Arcadia, Mt. Celestia, and Elysium. They are foremost servants of the Powers, acting as stewards of good, enforcers of their gods' will, and keepers of the peace.

The most common types of Aasimon are: Agathinon (who form the rank and file of the aasimon armies), Deva (the messengers, heralds, and wardens), Planetars (Generals of the Celestial armies), and Solars (the highest ranking Aasimon, and usually direct attendants of the gods).

Archons were once petitioners of Mt. Celestia who have been elevated into Celestial forms. They are the servants and protectors of Law and Good. The lowest Archons appear as nothing more than wisps of light, while the mightiest are nearly indistinguishable from high-ranking Aaimon.

Are Celestials of Chaos  and Good. Sometimes they serve the powers of Arborea and Ysgard as messengers and enforcers, while others roam freely doing whatever deeds their heart tells them. They are often at odds with the Celestials of Lawful alignments.

The animal-like Guardinals are the protectors of Elysium. Each has a different animal aspect. 

These serpentine female Celestials are lovers of song, art, and poetry. They protect the Gate of the Moons on Ysgard, which houses the best-known entrance to the Infinite Staircase. Lillendi wear intricate masks which denotes information about rank, duty, and disposition to others of their kind. 


Natives to Baator, the Baatezu, known as "Devils" to the Clueless, are fiends of Law and Evil, ruled by the enigmatic and terrible Lords of the Nine. Baatezu often attempt to corrupt mortals so that they might steal their souls and create new petitioners for their plane. The Baatezu violently oppose the Tanar'ri in a never-ending conflict called the Blood War. Some graybeards suggest that the Baatezu were once Celestials who fell from grace; others say these graybeards are full of screed.
The Tanar'ri, often called "Demons" by the Clueless, are fiends of Chaos and Evil. The Tanar'ri are natives to the infinite Abyss, and as such come in a variety of forms. However, nearly all of them are violent and ill-tempered, a wise cutter should always be ready for a fight when crossing these beings. Fortunately for the rest of the Multiverse, much of their ire is directed at the Baatezu in their endless Blood War.

The Gehlereth are the least populace of any of the major fiend races. Natives to Carceri, they are amphibious looking creatures that some Graybeards suggest are related to the Slaadi. Gehlereth tend to be mercenary and greedy, and have little to no regard for mortal life. A wise berk avoids them if at all possible.   

Some Graybeards suggest the Yugoloths, and not the Tanar'ri or the Baatezu, are the 'purest' form of fiend, being evil influenced by neither law or chaos. They are the most enigmatic of fiends, at times practically civil, and others more savage than the fiercest tanar'ri. Though the Yugoloth do not fight directly in the Blood War, they have been known to influence it to their advantage. The Yugoloths are thought to be natives of the Gray Waste, but most have migrated to Gehenna. Clueless berks tend to also call these beings "demons" or even "daemons".


Other Beings:

Many more beings in the Multiverse don't fit so neatly in the category of Fiend or Celestial.

The term "Fey" encompasses a broad range of beings (many of them humanoid) who are native to the Feywild (among the Eladrin, this is a point of contention, who debate endlessly whether they are natives to Arborea or the Feywild). Among the fey races include: Eladrin, Elves (who are Prime-Touched Eladrin), Dryads, Gnomes, Nymphs, Verbeeg (Fey giants), Satyrs, and Sylva (Wilden). They can be a merry lot, but their propensity for arrogance, political intrigue, backstabbing, and cruel pranks can make them as dangerous as any Fiend. A wise basher always treats the Fey with respect lest he wish to wake up the next morning finding he's been turned into something unpleasant.      

Modrons are living constructs, natives to the plane of Mechanus. They labor day and night on the intricate machinery of their plane, though to what end even the most lanned Graybeard can't claim to know. Every Great Cycle, the Modrons emerge from Mechanus and march about the Great Wheel, visiting every plane. It is not known why they do this, particularly since most of the modrons who embark on this journey are destroyed before the end.

Rakshasa are a cat-like folk who some Graybeards suggest were once Guardinals who failed in their duty and were cast out of the Upper Planes. They are master illusionists and are often characterized as hedonist and capricious. The Rakshasa have built fabulous cities upon Demiplanes within the Ethereal, and they have extensive planar trade-networks with both the genies of the Inner Planes, and the denizens of the Shadowfell. Some Rakshasa can be found in the Outer Planes as well, the more ambitious becoming warlords on Acheron, or carving out domains in Gehenna, Baator, and the Lower Planes.  

Shadow Fey:
Shadow Fey are those Fey races who have been touched or corrupted (depending on a body's perspective) by the Shadow Fell (or other dark powers). Shadow Fey are not necessarily evil, but they tend to be even more capricious, arrogant, and short-tempered than their Fey kin. Usually a race of Shadow Fey can be directly "mapped" to a normal Fey. Some examples of Shadow Fey include the infamous Formorians (twisted Verbeeg), Hags (Nymphs), Spriggans or Redcaps (Pixies), Shae (Eladrin), Xvart (Gnome), and Rusalki (aquatic fey).      

The froglike natives of Limbo are chaos made flesh. In many respects they resemble Fiends, for they can be violent and bad-tempered, but just as often they will ignore a berk or even try to strike a deal. Among their own kind, there is no rulership, might makes right. 


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