Finder's Gate Society NPCs:

Voss Raskvald: 

The boisterous founder of the Society. A planar human from Ysgard, Voss traveled the Planes at a young age and is found of telling tales about his many adventures, preferably with a strong ale or a fine mead in hand.

Sir Edwin Ingignous: 
A very matter-of-fact planewalker who claims to have hailed from some Prime city called "Waterdeep." Many look to Edwin as the sort of 'second-in-command' at the Society, and he certainly has the commanding presence for it. He has a breadth of knowledge concerning the Planes, but usually delves that information out on a 'need-to-know' basis.

The Professor: A Shardmind scholar (a form of crystalline being native to the Astral), the Professor is the archivist and librarian of the Society. He is often accompanied by Mr. Greeves, a friendly Demorax (a lizard being native to the Outlands who consume crystals).

Bendon Mawl: A tiefling chant-broker and job fixer. He doesn't talk about his own past and prefers to stick right to business.

Sharlu: A rakshasa who claims to have "been nearly everywhere there's been to be, and done everything there's to do be done." He says he's tried most of the Factions and is bored of them. He enjoys lounging about in the Society parlor, trading stories and gossip. He seems harmless, but a wise berk should always remember that he's still a rakshasa, which means in theory, he commands a good deal of magical power.

Faction NPCS:

Addle-Pate (Bleak Cabal): A very cheerful bleaker who runs the Cold Bowl soup kitchen in the Hive. A friend of Bartley's.

Derioch Ysarl (Bleak Cabal): A Bleaker investigator. She's rather dour and non-personable, but loyal and diligent. She was investigating disappearances in the Hive.

Lasalos (Bleak Cabal): Lasalos is a halfling vampire who is clearly unhappy about this situation; that is, being undead. It seems he longs for the simpler days of watching sunsets, growing vegetables, sleeping at nights, and the taste of turnips. Still, despite his dreary outlook, Lasalos is generally helpful and a good source of information. 

Kesai-Serris (Sensates): Kesai-Serris is Factocum of the Sensates and sponsor of No'na. She formerly worked at Fall-From-Grace's (A Sensate Factor) Brothel of Slaking Intellectual Lusts, where she interpreted dreams. Her skin is the color of blue slate, and her eyes are like rubies with fires lit behind them. She is elusive about her racial origins, but it is clear she is not nearly as young as she looks. She possesses a special ability to enter the dreams of others
“So, would you like to share with me your dreams? Don’t be shy, I’ve seen everything you know. Nothing will shock or surprise me.”

Rafaeus (Believers of the Source): An imposing, beautiful man with shining eyes, and platinum hair, it is clear at first glance he is of Celestial descent. In fact, he claims to be an aasimon, a once proud Archon, who in his words, "was tempted by chaos and fell from grace." He is genteel and calm in all his doings, but one can sense a great power lurking beneath his soft exterior.  

Planewalker's Sect: 

Hav'run Thain: A soft-spoken minotaur from a Prime realm called "Krynn", who is always accompanied by a silent Kenku named Vagis. He is one of the head speakers for the Planewalkers and maintains the base camp on the Infinite Staircase. 

Caert: A masochistic Shadar-Kai who leads "tours" into the Lower Planes, and specializes in mountain climbing. He got off to a lovely start with No'na.

Nalla: A "Half-Githzerai" who remembers nothing before being found, near death on the Prime world of Toril. Revived and rescued by elvish rangers near Silverymoon, she's embarked on a quest to find herself and her origin, but has yet to discover the truth. She wields the Karach in the form of Gloves.

Oriam: A human wizard getting on in years, whose best Planewalking days are behind him. Still he's a wealth of knowledge for younger Planewalkers and relatively friendly, and a bit of a hopeless romantic.

Company of Misfits: A band of adventurers ("We go where Evil Dares!"), led by an Alu-Fiend bard named Violetta. An Athar Githyanki was also noted as a member.

Courts of the Feywild:

Princess Asteria, Lady of the Moon and Stars: Daughter of Morwel, the Archfey of the Gloaming Court, Asteria runs an eternal party at her Palace of the Moon and Stars in the twilight lands of the Feywild. She maintains an uneasy truce with the Courts of the Shadow Fey (the Unseelie Courts), whom her lover, Glanion is a member of. 

Vaniria: A Shadow-Fey Eladrin (or Shae) spy who acts as an envoy from the Shadow Courts to the Gloaming Court. She helped the PCs so that Lord Glanion could be returned from the Vault.

Other NPCS:

Sir Crasad Vaimish: Your party rescued Sir Vaimish from the Hive. He is a Clueless who claims to be a "Solamnic Knight", hailing from some Prime realm called "Krynn". His understanding of cosmology was more limited than most Clueless: At first he was convinced he was in the Abyss and that pretty much every other plane was "The Abyss." 

Devil Doom Axe: A mysterious Doomguard mercenary who is known to sometimes sign on as protection with particularly dangerous expeditions. She seems to be a tiefling, but the chant is that she's somehow more than that.

Meriam Wileysmile: A simple, barmy jester who seemed to share a past with Bartley. At least until he revealed himself to be a Proxy for the God: Olidamarra, the Laughing God!

Mitchifer: The mysterious, serpent bearded barkeep of the World Serpent Inn. He's always been there, a fixed point in time.

Mourns for Trees: A rather sad, old man who is attempting to rouse people's belief that the trees in the Hive can actually grow if enough people believe they can.. He thought it was a shame to see the last things of life and beauty in this ward left uncared for.

Raven: A trickster Animal Lord who resides in Karauthra, the Beastlands layer of eternal night. Having lost his flock of the Ravenborn Kenku to the Abyss and then the Planes, he forever now covets "shinies", that which can never be his. Bears a strange resemblance to Tom Hiddleston in his human form. 

Red Shroud: One of the most powerful succubi to be found in the Abyss, she is the capricious ruler of the Abyssal town of Broken Reach.

Twilight-Before-the-Dawning: A Lillend who guards the doorway to the Infinite Staircase in the Gate of the Moon palace. She was impressed by No'na, who gave her a poem crafted by the Sensates.

Undina: Has Filth found true love? A water genasi from the City of Glass acting as an envoy to the Feywild. 

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