Our Heroes

Bartley Cubbins

Player: Kate
Race: Bariaur
Gender: Male
Faction: Bleak Cabal
Theme: Astral Swashbuckler
Home Plane: Outlands (?)

Bartley is a Bariaur warrior with an adventurous past. He claims to have sailed the Astral Seas, worked in the World Serpent Inn, tromped through the Planes, and had a host of other escapades. Though a member of the Bleak Cabal, Cubbins is not consumed by the depression and malaise common to his brethren; His creed can more or less be summed up in: If there is no point to the multiverse, then why worry about it! Enjoy what there is to enjoy!


Race: Genasi (Ooze)
Gender: Male
Faction: Currently None
Theme: Elemental Forger
Home Plane: The Plane of Ooze

It is thought that Ilth’s mother may have had the misfortune of being pulled through a Hive portal to the Plane of Ooze, where she gave birth to a son. Though she did not survive long, her genasi son was raised by Ooze Mephits. Many years later, he discovered a portal to Sigil and ventured forth to find the world of his mother. Knights of the Cross-Trade quickly took note of the genasi’s ability to get in and out of places, and recruited him into criminal activities – though he was not aware of any misdoings. Eventually he was discovered by the Bleak Cabal and Bartley Cubbins. His name comes from those who called him “Filth”.  


Race: Githzerai
Gender: Female
Faction: Believers of the Source
Theme: Zerth
Home Plane: Outlands

Kyrda is a Githzerai who grew up in the Outlands burg of Zobreck (an independent town on the border of Tir Na Nog). She claims to be a Zerth, the closest thing that Githzerai have to a sacred warrior. The Zerth masters both body and mind, seeking to make them one, training with both blade and chaos magic. The full extension of their power is the Karach Blade, a sword made from pure chaos matter that becomes stronger as the Zerth increases in power.

No’na Mirima MorGon

Player: Chuck
Race: Eladrin
Gender: Male
Faction: Society of Sensation
Theme: Feywilder
Home Plane: Feywild

No’na was born in Thelanis, or the “Feywild” as it is called, in the shifting City of Stars: Astrazalian. Little is known of his life among the Fey Courts. It is known that he was sent on a doomed mission to track fomorian raiders to their lair in the “Feydark”, the dangerous underworld of the Feywild. It was there he was captured, and though he managed to escape his bonds, he fell through a Shadow Crossing into the Shadow Fell, where he was captured and experimented upon by the Shadar-Kai, fighting for their amusement in bloody arenas. Eventually he escaped again, this time to Sigil, where he found kinship and respite with the Society of Sensation. Enormously muscled for an eladrin, No’na laughs easily and is eager for new experiences, yet one can often sense a darkness lurks within. 

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