Factions and Sects

Anarchists love fire and blade,
They pull down those who've got it made.
Athar spit in the preacher's eye,
While false powers bleed and die.

Bleakers laugh and go insane,
There's no point and life is pain.
Ciphers act on whim and hunch,
Weird and mystic are that bunch.

Dustmen're nought but cold hard death,
Life is so much wasted breath.

Fated count the jinx they make,
Never give if you can take.

Godsmen tumble end o'er end,
Seeking always to ascend.

Guvners order realms of dreams,
Making rules and counting beans.


Hardheads are an ordered lot,
March left, march right, no time for thought.
Indeps are a motley crew,

Bloods and berks and shouters too.

Red Death saw your dirty deed,
They'll make you pay until you bleed.

Sensates reach to feel it all,
True bloods stand, while bubbers fall.

Signers think we're in their head,
But we'll remain when they're all dead.

Sinkers revel in decay,
By entropy we'll pass away.

Xaosmen embrace dIsCoRD,
Random chaos is their word.
Sigil's guarded by She Who Flays,

The Lady rules, now and always.

Defiers, The Lost
“The Gods are a lie, the Truth lies beyond the veil.”
The Athar deny not only the gods’ right to pass judgment over mortals, but their very divinity. They claim that the gods (whom they call “Powers”) are merely powerful beings who do not deserve worship. To prove their point, Athar priests channel divine power not from the gods, but from what they call the “Great Unknown”; what they believe to be the true divine force behind everything. Their headquarters in Sigil is the Shattered Temple, the former site of a temple to the now dead god Aoskar.

Believers of the Source
“Godhood is attainable, as all life springs from the same Divine Source.”
The Godsmen believe that each life is a test, that every person has the potential to become a god. Each person is created to improve themselves, to learn new tricks and new knowledge. When they die, their souls return again, learning more each time. If one did well during their last life, they will be reincarnated into a better one; by the same token, one who did poorly will return with a lower stature. When one achieves the highest state, one attains godhood (and possibly beyond).

Their headquarters is the Great Foundry, symbolizing their belief that the Multiverse constantly forges and refines all beings.

Bleak Cabal
Bleakers, The Cabal, Madmen
“There’s no grand scheme, no deep meaning, no elusive order. The Multiverse ain’t supposed to make sense.”
The Bleakers deny that any belief system has any merit; as they see it, the universe has physical rules, but no metaphysical or philosophical ones, therefore any meaning in life must come from within. This gloomy system of belief tends to cause great depression and even madness in their members over time, hence the Faction’s nickname “the Madmen.” Their headquarters is the The Gatehouse, the mental asylum of Sigil.

“Entropy is ecstasy; decay is divine. The Multiverse is supposed to fall apart.”
Sinkers believe in the sanctity and inevitability of entropy. They see the decay and destruction of the universe as necessary; for once it is destroyed all imperfections will be gone with it, paving the way for a perfect new Multiverse. Their headquarters is Sigil's Armory, where they forge weapons as tools of destruction.

The Dead
“We are all Dead. Purge passion to ascend to the purity of True Death.”
(Playable with Restrictions)
The Dustmen believe that both life and death are false states of existence, that there is a state of True Death which can only be accomplished by denying one's emotions and physical wants and needs. Their headquarters is the Mortuary, where Sigil's dead are interred or cremated.
Takers, Heartless, Coldbloods
“The Multiverse belongs to those who seize it. No one’s to blame for a poor sod but the sorry sod himself.”
Takers believe that those with power and ability have the right to own what they control and to take what they can from those who are unable to keep it. It is not only their right, but their duty to exploit any situation to their advantage, regardless of how it affects anyone else. Their headquarters is the Hall of Records, where they serve as the tax collectors of Sigil.

Fraternity of Order
“Everything in the Multiverse has Laws. Learn the laws of the Mutliverse and you can rule it.”
Guvners believe that knowledge is power; they learn and exploit both the natural laws of the universe and the laws of society. Knowledge takes study, it takes searching. Sometimes one must go out into the planes to look for answers. Sometimes it takes science and research. There are millions of laws to make this thing go, and the more one knows, the more one can do. Their headquarters is the City Court, where they serve as judges and legal advocates, effectively ruling Sigil.

Free League
“This ain’t no faction and nobody tells us what to do; nobody’s got the keys to the truth.”
Indeps reject the other factions and their bureaucratic, hierarchical dogmatism; in fact, they don't consider themselves a faction at all. For this reason, they don't have a factol (leader) or an official headquarters, though Sigil's Great Bazaar serves as an unofficial one. They believe in individual freedom as the highest good.

“Peace is our goal. And peace can only be achieved when we are all Harmonium.”
Hardheads believe that peace and stability can only be established under one rule: theirs. The planar faction known as the Harmonium is actually just a small part of a much larger political entity which rules over the entirety of a world called Ortho. In Sigil, they serve as the city's police force, and their headquarters is the City Barracks. It is strongly advised that visitors to Sigil never, under any circumstances, use the term ‘Hardhead’ in front of Harmonium members.

Red Death
“Justice is all. When properly applied, punishment of the guilty leads to perfection.”
The Red Death believe in justice and retribution at the expense of all else. Their name does not come from “killing out of mercy,” but rather “killing mercy.” Their credo is that mercy is for the weak, and the guilty must be punished. While they would prefer the ability to actively hunt down Sigil’s criminals as well as punish them, the other Factions have restricted the Mercykillers to only carrying out the sentences of convicted criminals. Appropriately, their headquarters is Sigil's Prison.

Revolutionary League
“The status quo is built on lies and greed. Break them all down, whatever left is the truth.”
The Anarchists believe that social order and man-made laws are inherently corrupt and must be destroyed—though none of their members can agree on what, if anything, should replace them. Like the Indeps, they don't have a factol or a headquarters, though they have many safe houses and secret meeting places.

Sign of One
“The Multiverse exists because the mind imagines it. Any one of us could be its creator.”
Signers believe that everyone is the center of their own reality and that reality can be reshaped by the power of imagination. Signers naturally believe that a member of their faction is in fact, likely to be the creator of the Multiverse. The ability to accurately predict the future, a prerequisite of membership, is a sign that their belief is correct. Their headquarters is the Hall of Speakers, which houses Sigil's legislature.

Society of Sensation
“Sense all things. To know the Multiverse, you must experience it fully.”
The Sensates believe that accumulating experiential knowledge through the senses is the only way to achieve enlightenment. Their headquarters is the Civic Festhall, which features an endless series of entertainments and a library of magically stored experiences.

Transcendent Order
“Action without thought is the purest response. Body and mind must act in harmony.”
Ciphers believe that by tapping in to the “cadence” of the planes and acting through pure instinct allows them to achieve a higher state of being. Their headquarters is the Great Gymnasium, where members can train to improve their bodies and minds.

“chAoS trUtH, is order delusion. Embracing the randomness of the Multiverse, one learns its secrets.”
Chaosmen believe that the only truth is revealed in chaos. The Xaositects have been quite accurately described as being “totally off their rockers, every one of ’em.” Their headquarters is the Hive, which is the most disorganized part of Sigil. Chaosmen have a habit of their speaking words out of order, a technique known as scramblespeak.

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